Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Blog Post #7


    Carrier Pigeons are actually a wonderful example of the diffusion theory. The launch phase happened in ancient Egypt. It caught on relatively quickly because there was pretty much no other fast form of long-distance communication available at the time. 

The Early Adopters were civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. These ancient civilizations started using carrier pigeons pretty quickly. For civilizations that all started at vastly different times, they all adopted carrier pigeons around the same time after Greece popularized them.

The Early Majority crowd spans hundreds of years: all the way from the Middle Ages, to the Renaissance, to about the early 1900s. This just encompasses everyone between the Ancient Civilizations and WWI. This was when the concept of the carrier pigeon was in its prime.

The Late Majority was everyone who used carrier pigeons in WWI. They were still very prevalent but other technologies that could replace carrier pigeons were starting to blossom. Carrier pigeons were still considered essential for boats, tanks, and fighter jets to carry in case of emergency.

The Laggards were the people who used carrier pigeons in WWII. There were still a good number of people using them but they were clearly on their way out with the rise of technologies like the radio. Just as video killed the radio star, radio killed the carrier pigeon. 

    Nowadays, no one uses carrier pigeons. They are just another dead technology like fax machines or Blackberries. The carrier pigeon certainly had the longest hold on long-distance communication. In the end, it did not survive the rise of radio or telephones. 

    The only people who can be considered late adopters are the people who were not alive in the heyday of carrier pigeons. There are not really any downsides to carrier pigeons. They seem to only have had a positive impact on the world. The positive definitely outweighs the negative because there isn't really a negative. Overall, carrier pigeons are awesome!

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