Saturday, September 9, 2023

Blog Post #1

     I am chronically offline. My screen time on my phone for the past week is under an hour a day. I am off all social media. The biggest thing I do on my phone is play solitaire. This may sound like a good thing because my generation is so plugged in. However, I am a Communication student and I'm critically behind on the news so this is not a good thing. This blog post is going to be very difficult because I consume very little news. 

    My most significant news source has to be word of mouth. Most things I hear about current events are just from other people talking about them. I don't know what I'd link to for this since it's more of a concept. This is probably not an entirely credible source of news sometimes because the people I hear it from could just say anything and how would I know if they were lying. I do like this form of news better than the other ones though because I can ask questions. If I don't understand why something in the news is happening, I can ask the guy telling me about it and maybe then I'll understand it. Overall, this is my favorite kind of news and the one I consume the most because it is the most personal. 

   The place where I get most of my news from the internet is Youtube. There is actually a lot of interesting news on there if you know where to look. I'm not on YouTube very much but usually, when I am I can find something interesting there to talk about. Since YouTube is a collection of a bunch of different news sources, there is pretty much always something interesting on there. I'm not sure if it's considered a traditional news website but it's still probably my favorite website to get news from. The thing that makes me like it more than other news options is that it has news on things I care about like movies and books as opposed to just politics. 

    This source isn't really mine, it's more my parents, but I'll have to watch it with them sometimes so I put it on the list. Fox News is probably the biggest actual news source that I watch. I actually hate Fox News but I still end up watching it a little bit. I think that they don't provide very much "news." It seems like they provide mostly opinions and I don't like that. Sometimes I agree with their opinions just not the way they are presenting them as facts. I do not recommend Fox News at all and I only watch it because my parents do. 

    I have to clarify something for this next one so I don't get in trouble. The prompt for this blog said to include five sources of news and information. This source doesn't really have news but I'd argue it has more information than any of the other sources. This source is books. I read a lot of books. I wouldn't call them a news source, but the amount of information that can be gained from books is limitless. I definitely read more than I watch Fox News but I put books lower on the list since they aren't really news. I do recommend reading. Everyone wishes they read more so my advice is to just do that. 

    My last news source is IGN. IGN provides a lot of news that I am interested in. It is all nerd stuff like comic books, video games, and movies which is right up my alley. Usually, I just read their articles to get myself excited about upcoming movies or games. IGN is probably the most positive news source I consume. They post fun stories instead of important global problems. Personally, I prefer reading the fun things so IGN does well in my book. I'd definitely recommend it but only if you're already into nerd stuff. 

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