Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Blog #6

     It seems like the government always wants to be at war with someone. Of course, this is not limited to the US government and applies to most militant governments around the world. In schools we are taught from a very young age that war sparks industry and that some of the best inventions come out of a time of war. Why is it though, that our government specifically seems so hell-bent on going to war with everyone?

    There are probably a variety of reasons that all pile on top of each other. The most obvious one is the third exception in the Near rule. This exception states that prior restraint is unconstitutional except for when there are threats to national security in wartime. That means the government can silence people much easier when we are at war. This is a likely cause for the United States' propensity for constant conflict. 

    Websites such as Antiwar or The American Conservative specialize in broadcasting voices that speak out against the government. These websites say things that are contrary to anything you'll hear in the news. This seems to be something the government does not like. While the government Constitutionally cannot stop them from publishing this, they can do something debatably worse. They can ignore them, making their loudest shouts sound like mere whispers. 

    News channels love to feature very opinionated guests. Some people (not myself) find guests with very democratic opinions appearing on Fox News to be very entertaining because they just bicker for the entire allotted time. It's strange though, that there never seem to be anti-war voices appearing on any of these news channels. It'd probably be just as "entertaining" to hear someone very pro-war and someone very anti-war debate over who is correct. The reason they don't ever appear is because the government is actively trying to silence anti-war voices. There is no problem with newscasters presenting their opinions on matters, but the second someone chooses to speak out against the government's behavior, they are shunned. 


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